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reaching out a dream

Hello everybody, wel’com to my blog!!
·        What is a Dream ?
  •                 dreams are just illusions
  •                 dreams are imaginary
  •                dream is the desire to be achieved

Dreams are subconscious experiences that involve sight, hearing, thoughts, feelings, or other senses in sleep. Occurrences in dreams are usually impossible in the real world, and beyond the power of the dreamer. dream has a goal to be achieved. whether a dream is something that is not possible.
Oke everybody. My name is Zulfikri Hazimi. I'm 18 years old. I am a student at tanjungpura pontianak university. What is a dream? . I think the dream is fake. because the dream is a beautiful sleeping flower. my dream is to have a small business in order to create a job field. because I think opening job is something that I want to realize . entrepreneur is my main goal to realize my ideals.

When we have a dream, do not be afraid to make it happen. Sometimes the comfort zone makes us afraid to make it happen. the dream can be a target we want to achieve, a place we want to visit, or something that we do not have now.
Anyone can dream. fantasize about their fantasy. into something more useful to the crowd. and be able to turn this nation into a more useful future. And I also dreamed of being a pilot . when my childhood as a pilot is a very cool profession. can see the beauty of nature from the sky. can see clouds up close. However, when I entered high school level education . the dream becomes impossible. because I major in social science and my height is not ideal.
so I decided to become a businessman only. who have a generous, kind, and fair attitude. many interact with the community. to from it, Never be afraid to dream and always believe in the dream.


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